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2021 September 15 - 21 [SOCIAL ISSUES]

Ex-PM Abe sends message of support to Moonies-related NGO

September 18, 2021

Akahata on September 17 reported that former Prime Minister Abe Shinzo gave a praising message in a rally hosted online by an organization affiliated with the former Unification Church or so-called Moonies, notorious for its "spiritual sales" of costly goods and "group weddings" which have long been a social issue in Japan.

The organization will likely use Abe's appearance in the event to recruit new believers and advertise their products, leading to the creation of new victims. Abe's moral responsibility should be called into question.

The former Unification Church-affiliated NGO, Universal Peace Federation (UPF), held a large meeting on September 12 online. Following ex-U.S. President Donald Trump, Abe appeared on the large screens in the event and praised the UPF in his 5-minute speech.

The former Unification Church (currently Family Federation for World Peace and Unification) is inseparable from the anti-communism rightist group International Federation for Victory over Communism.

The former Unification Church forced its followers to make large donations and conducted its "mission" undercover. The illegality has been determined in many court cases.

The national network of lawyers dealing with the fraudulent sales of exorbitantly costly goods by use of spiritual pressure tactics has been requesting all Dietmembers to not participate in or support any event hosted by the Moonies and its related organizations.

Representatives of the lawyers' network on September 17 held a press conference and released an open letter of protest against PM Abe sending a video message in support to the front organization of the ex-Unification Church.

The lawyers criticized Abe for paying his respects to Hak Ja Han, the present leader of the ex-Unification Church which has caused serious damage to families in Japan. They expressed concern that Abe's appearance in the event could have serious negative impacts on Japanese society.

Past related articles:
> Suga Cabinet ministers pay membership fees to Moonies [November 19, 2020]
> Wealthy women are targets for ‘spiritual sales’ by Moonies [March 20, 2010]

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