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2021 October 6 - 12 TOP3 [POLITICS]

JCP election platform presents outlook for Japan after a change in government

October 12, 2021

Japanese Communist Party Chair Shii Kazuo on October 11 held a press conference in the Diet building and published the party’s election platform for the approaching House of Representatives general election.

Shii said that the JCP election platform is composed of four pillars: turn away from neoliberalism; combat against climate change; realization of a gender equal Japan; and introduction of peace diplomacy based on Article 9 of the Constitution.

Goals that the JCP set in its platform are as follows:

Turn away from neoliberalism
- establish a government that guarantees the quality of services in healthcare, nursing-care, childcare, and disability welfare;
- put a stop to the practice of the disposable use of labor and create a society where everyone can live a decent life with 8-hour workdays;
- turn Japanese society into one which enables people to receive education and have children without financial anxieties;
- support smaller businesses and the agriculture, forestry and fishing sector to ease their financial difficulties caused by the pandemic and recover corona-affected local economies;
- realize fair tax burden through a lower consumption tax rate and an end to preferential treatment given to large corporations and the wealthy;
- create a society resilient to natural disasters in combination with addressing climate change.

Combat against climate change - JCP 2030 strategy
- reduce CO2 emissions by 50-60% by 2030 with the use of renewables and energy saving measures;
- reform the present social system in order to promote decarbonization, energy conservation measures, and renewable energy generation;
- realize sustainable developments through social and economic reforms aimed at achieving carbon neutrality and the elimination of poverty and inequalities.

Realization of a gender equal Japan
- achieve a change of government now for a gender equal Japan;
- turn Japanese society into one where all members can live together with respect for non-Japanese citizens’ human rights and diversity;
- protect the rights of indigenous Ainu people;
- reform Japan’s education system so that children can be treated with respect and human dignity.

Introduction of peace diplomacy based on Article 9 of the Constitution
- thwart completely the Liberal Democratic Party’s attempt to revise Article 9 of the Constitution;
- establish a government willing to join the UN Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons;
- end politics excessively subservient to the U.S.;
- introduce peace diplomacy making the best use of Article 9.

Past related articles:
> JCP publishes its gender-equality policies [October 2, 2021]
> JCP publishes strategy to tackle climate crisis as part of platform for forthcoming general election [September 2, 2021]
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