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2022 March 16 - 22 [POLITICS]

Shii at SDP convention appeals for need to win success of opposition parties’ joint struggles in Upper House election

March 20, 2022
The Social Democratic Party on March 19 held its convention in Tokyo and the party’s leader Fukushima Mizuho was reelected chair.

After the re-election, Fukushima delivered a speech and expressed her determination to establish a new government through the unified efforts of opposition parties.

Along with Japanese Communist Party Chair Shii Kazuo, representatives of the Constitutional Democratic Party of Japan and the Civil Alliance attended as guests and delivered solidarity speeches in which they called for further developing opposition parties’ collaboration in the July House of Councilors election.

JCP Chair Shii in his speech stated that in a meeting on the previous day, CDPJ head Izumi Kenta and he agreed on the start of negotiations on the nomination of joint candidates in single-seat constituencies in the upcoming Upper House election with the aim of delivering a severe verdict on the current government.

The JCP chair said, “The JCP will join hands with the SDP to achieve the victory of opposition parties through close collaboration in the July Upper House election.”
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