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2022 August 17 - 23 [SOCIAL ISSUES]

Rally held to oppose extension of operations of aging Sendai NPP reactors for another 20 years

August 22, 2022
In opposition to the extension of Kyushu Electric Power Company's aging Sendai nuclear power plant for 20 more years, a rally took place on August 21 in Satsumasendai City in Kagoshima Prefecture.

Two reactors at the Sendai NPP will pass their legally mandated 40-year operation limit within a few years.

Taira Yukio, Japanese Communist Party member of the Kagoshima Prefectural Assembly, delivered a speech in solidarity with about 200 rally participants.

Mukohara Yoshitaka, a rally organizer, said, "We cannot accept the extension of operations of aging nuclear reactors. Let us increase our opposition to their 20-year extension!"

After the rally, the participants marched in demonstration through downtown Satsumasendai City, holding banners and placards and shouting in chorus, "Good riddance to aging NPPs."
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