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HOME  > 2022 August 31 - September 6
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2022 August 31 - September 6 TOP3 [POLITICS]

4K citizens rally to oppose ex-PM Abe’s ‘state funeral’

September 1, 2022
Holding placards that read, “Cancel the state funeral!” and “Don’t force on the general public the need to express condolences over Abe’s death!”, 4,000 citizens on August 31 assembled in front of the main gate of the Diet building to voice their opposition to the planned state funeral for former Prime Minister Abe Shinzo.

This action was organized by the All-Out Action Committee and other civil organizations.

Uchida Masatoshi of the Anti-War Committee of 1000 spoke on behalf of the organizers. He pointed out that former PM Abe’s style of politics had caused the falsification, fabrication, and cover-up of official documents and that there is no legal basis for the planned state funeral. He said, “It is unacceptable for the Kishida government to use our tax money for such an event. Let us increase public opposition across Japan!”

Along with representatives of the Constitutional Democratic Party of Japan and the Social Democratic Party, Japanese Communist Party Secretariat Head Koike Akira delivered a speech in solidarity.

Koike pointed out that there is no legislation mandating a state funeral, and said, “So, on what grounds did the Kishida government decide to hold a state funeral? How can the government use taxpayer money for it?” He went on to say, “The Kishida administration’s attempt to hold a state funeral for Abe amounts to tyranny and the weakening of democracy. Now is the time we should work hard to increase public opinion opposing the state funeral as well as public opinion calling for convocation of an extra Diet session.”

A 41-year-old woman, Osawa Rina, who came from Kanagawa Prefecture to take part in the rally, angrily said that she cannot stand the present government which puts Cabinet decisions ahead of everything else while disregarding Diet discussions. She said, “Holding the state funnel amid the ongoing scandal over the Liberal Democratic Party’s links with the Moonies is unacceptable. I want to say ‘don’t ruin our democracy’ to the government.”

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