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HOME  > 2022 November 16 - 22
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2022 November 16 - 22 [SOCIAL ISSUES]

Japan given 'Fossil Award' 3 times in row

November 22, 2022
Japan was again designated "Fossil of the Day" on November 9 at the 27th Conference of State Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP27) for being reluctant to combat global warming. Japan received this infamous award three times in a row.

At a meeting of the House of Councilors Foreign Affairs Committee on November 15, Japanese Communist Party member Yamazoe Taku pointed to this disgrace and demanded that the Japanese government stop clinging to coal-thermal power generation.

Yamazoe pointed out that hydrogen- or ammonia-cofiring technologies promoted by the Japanese government are "not only unavailable for practical or commercial use but also emit a large amount of CO2 in the production process".

The Japanese government is planning to provide these technologies to Indonesia and Bangladesh. Yamazoe criticized the plan for "inhibiting developing countries from decarbonizing and introducing renewables".

Pointing out that a main factor behind the increase in extreme natural disasters is the increase in greenhouse gas emissions in industrially-advanced countries, Yamazoe said, "The international community is watching how Japan intends to establish its 'climate justice'. The government as an industrially-advanced state should take responsibility for its role in causing global warming and should sincerely address the issue."

Past related article:
> COP 27 climate discussions start in Egypt [November 9, 2022]
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