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2023 January 18 - 24 [POLITICS]

JCP Kokuta comments on CDPJ-Ishin agreement on their joint work in ordinary Diet session

January 19, 2023

The Constitutional Democratic Party of Japan and the right-leaning “Nippon Ishin no Kai” party on January 18 reached an accord to work together in the approaching ordinary Diet session which will convene in a week.

Later in the day at a press conference in the Diet building, Japanese Communist Party Diet Policy Commission Chair Kokuta Keiji commented on the CDPJ-Ishin agreement.

Kokuta noted that the two parties in their agreement indicated an intent to oppose the government’s tax hike plan but failed to express clear objections to the proposed military buildup. He said that as the Kishida government aims to increase taxes to fund military expansion, the CDPJ-Ishin agreement will have little effect to prevent higher taxes.

Kokuta pointed out that the Ishin Party is backing Japan’s possession of an enemy base-strike capability and the doubling of the military budget to 2% of GDP. In addition, he pointed out, the Ishin advocates that with the use of this capability, Japan can attack not only enemy missile bases but also command/control centers. “Ishin is much more hawkish than the Liberal Democratic Party,” Kokuta said.

Kokuta cited that Ishin leader Baba Nobuyuki and LDP Secretary General Motegi Toshimitsu on January 17 confirmed that their basic policies regarding constitutional revision, national security, and energy are complementary.

Stating that for this reason, the JCP does not consider the Ishin Party to be “opposition party”, Kokuta said, “I’m concerned that if the CDPJ-Ishin cooperation is expanded to one covering the projected huge military buildup, adverse revision of the Constitution, and the promotion of nuclear power generation, this may affect relations between the JCP and the CDPJ.”

Past related article:
> Ishin party much more hawkish than LDP regarding constitutional revision and military buildup [October 31, 2022]

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