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2023 June 7 - 13 TOP3 [POLITICS]

Shii at FCCJ expresses his determination to work hard to realize the JCP proposal for better Japan-China relations

June 13, 2023

Japanese Communist Party Chair Shii Kazuo on June 12 spoke at the Foreign Correspondents’ Club of Japan in Tokyo and explained the significance and characteristics of the JCP proposal for “positive breakthroughs in Japan-China relations”. He expressed his determination to work hard to increase public support for the proposal in order to realize it.

Shii said that the JCP met with Prime Minister Kishida Fumio on March 30, the day the party published the proposal, and with Chinese Ambassador to Japan Wu Jianghao on May 4, respectively, to submit the proposal. He said that the JCP in the proposal calls on the Japanese and Chinese governments to make diplomatic efforts by utilizing a “common foundation” which the two governments have built through three historic events: an agreement made in the 2008 Japan-China Joint Statement that the two countries are “partners who cooperate together and are not threats to each other”; the 2014 Japan-China agreement to settle tensions in the East China Sea through “dialogue and consultation”; and the two governments’ approval for the ASEAN Outlook [for peace] on the Indo-Pacific (AOIP).

Shii stressed that the JCP proposal adopted a non-judgmental attitude and thus it can be accepted by all parties.

In the question-answer session, asked about the necessity of Japan-China summit talks, Shii said, “Needless to say, it is necessary for the two leaders to meet frequently and hold frank and in-depth exchange of views.” He went on to say, “In that case, the Japanese leader needs to think outside the box of U.S. influence and talk to his Chinese counterpart on his own. I hope the JCP proposal will help achieve this.”

In response to a question about NATO’s move toward opening a liaison office in Japan, Shii expressed his opposition and criticized the move for leading to cross-linkage of the Japan-U.S. alliance and NATO. He pointed out that one of the major factors for the current strained Japan-China relations is that Japan acts in obedience to the U.S. military strategy to encircle China. He said that if Japan holds this stance, it will exacerbate military tensions and divisions in the region as well as throughout the world, adding that Japan should review and revise its stance.

He was also asked if the JCP places importance on communication with the U.S. in regard to Japan-China relations. He said, “For now, my focus is on making improvements in Japan-China relations. At the same time, I’d like to hear the U.S. view on this topic. The U.S. government has expressed an intent to give importance to the AOIP. The JCP and the U.S. have this common ground to start with.”

Past related articles:
> Shii talks with Chinese ambassador regarding JCP proposal for improvement of Japan-China relations [May 5, 2023]
> Shii calls on Kishida to make efforts to improve bilateral relations with China in a positive manner [March 31, 2023]
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