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2023 June 14 - 20 TOP3 [POLITICS]

JCP submits revision bills to ensure women's reproductive decision-making rights

June 15, 2023
The Japanese Communist Party on June 14 submitted to the House of Councilors bills to abolish a Penal Code stipulation which criminalizes abortion without consent from the spouse as well as to abolish a Maternal Protection Act clause which requires women to obtain consent from the spouse before having an abortion.

JCP members of the Upper House Yamazoe Taku, Kurabayashi Akiko, and Kira Yoshiko handed the revision bills directly to Kobayashi Fumitake, the House general secretary.

The JCP also proposes the abolition of legal provisions which allow abortions only to women whose health may be undermined substantially for physical or financial reasons by the continuation of pregnancy and whose pregnancies resulted from rape or intimidation.

Women's reproductive rights are fundamental human rights by which women can decide at their own discretion whether or when to have children. In this regard, Japan lags far behind international standards. The JCP-proposed bills are responding to the global trend respecting women's right to self-determination and decriminalizing abortion.

Past related article:
> JCP Vice Chair Tamura attends 'Intl Safe Abortion Day' event in Tokyo [September 30, 2022]
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