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2011 January 5 - 11 [JCP]

JCP vice chair attends Brazilian presidential inauguration

December 30, 2010 –
Japanese Communist Party Vice Chair Ogata Yasuo on January 1 attended the inaugural ceremony of new Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff in the Brazilian capital, Brasilia. This is the first time for a JCP representative to participate in a foreign nation’s presidential inauguration as an official guest of a foreign government.

Ogata has been in Brazil since the end of last year at the invitation of Brazil’s ruling Workers’ Party (Partido dos Trabalhadores – PT).

At the evening celebration, Ogata greeted the new president and conveyed a message of greetings from JCP Chair Shii Kazuo.

The JCP established a formal relationship with the PT after Ogata held talks with Frei Sergio Gorsen of the PT on the occasion of the 2005 Summit on Social Debt held in Caracas, Venezuela. Ogata in 2007 visited Brazil to participate in the PT’s National Congress and exchanged greetings with former president Luiz Inacio Lula Da Silva.

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Ogata on January 3 met with Ronaldo Carmona, a member of the International Relations Commission of the Communist Party of Brazil (PC do B) in Sao Paulo. They exchanged views on the domestic situation and party activities in Japan and in Brazil as well as on international issues.
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