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2024 June 12 - 18 [POLITICS]

Nouminren protests against contingency legislation that orders farmers to produce designated crops or face a penalty for failure to comply

June 15, 2024
New legislation aimed at enabling the government to order farmers to expand or switch to the production of rice and soy beans with penalties in a contingency situation was enacted on June 14 at the House of Councilors plenary session.

Along with the ruling Liberal Democratic and Komei parties, the “Nippon Ishin no Kai” party voted in favor. The Japanese Communist Party, the Constitutional Democratic Party of Japan, and the Democratic Party for the People opposed the new law.

Under the newly-enacted legislation, in the event of contingencies such as war, the government will be able to order farmers to submit a plan to increase the production of rice, soy beans, wheat, and potatoes, and be allowed to impose a penalty on those who refuse to follow the government order. Furthermore, the government will also be able to publish the names of farmers, who fail to produce as ordered, and inspect their farms.

The National Federation of Family Farmers Movement (Nouminren) issued a statement in protest against the newly-enacted contingency legislation. In the statement, Nouminren pointed out that to force farmers to grow certain types of crops by law violates the right to property guaranteed under the Constitution. Stating, “We, farmers will firmly resist the adverse law,” the farmers’ organization expressed its determination to make all-out efforts to help bring about a change in government.

The JCP in the Diet deliberation on the bill pointed out that in wartime Japan, the government based on the 1938 National General Mobilization Act imposed on farmers the cultivation of certain crops and an increase in output. It criticized the bill for being closely linked with the LDP-Komei government’s attempt to turn Japan into a war-fighting nation.

Past related article:
> Kishida gov’t seeks to introduce contingency legislation forcing flower growers to plant potatoes [February 26 & 27, 2024]
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