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HOME  > 2011 January 19 - 25
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2011 January 19 - 25 [JCP]

Present specific visions in Diet: Shii to JCP Dietmembers

January 25, 2011
On the occasion of the 177th ordinary Diet session convened on January 24, Japanese Communist Party Chair Shii Kazuo called on all JCP Dietmembers to boldly criticize misgovernment led by the Democratic Party of Japan, a successor to the old-style politics of the previous ruling Liberal Democratic Party.

Shii at an assembly of JCP lawmakers stated that the party, while criticizing the government for its policies, will present specific alternative policies during the 150-day session in response to the general public needs.

For example, Shii cited a package of JCP proposals for improving the job situation: shift from the use of a disposable workforce to one offering full-time regular positions and adopt a comprehensive policy towards a meaningful wage hike.

To show the way to revitalize the nation’s agriculture, Shii stressed, the JCP will propose imposing fair democratic trade rule and reveal the negative effects of Japan’s entry into the TPP free-trade pact.

Shii said that the party will also put forward a policy for reform in social welfare services by levying an appropriate share of contributions on large corporations so that the government can secure the necessary funds and expand the social welfare program.

Shii emphasized the need to build a national consensus against the construction of a new U.S. base, which is already the collective demand of Okinawans. The JCP will urge the government to improve its diplomatic capabilities and abandon its policy of strengthening the military alliance with the United States at any cost, Shii stated.

Reporting on an emerging anti-TPP move throughout Japan as indicated by the agricultural ministry, Shii said that 1,115 municipalities have so far adopted resolutions opposing or at the least expressing deep concern over the TPP.

He called on the JCP parliamentarians to cooperate with various labor movements seeking a wage increase and a withdrawal of unfair dismissals of JAL crew as well as with other civil groups seeking cutbacks in health insurance premiums and a municipal grant to housing renovations.

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Article 52 of the Constitution stipulates that an ordinary session of the Diet should be convened once a year in January for 150 days and requires the prime minister to deliver a policy speech on the first day of the session. The government ordinarily proposes its budget draft during the session. The Constitution allows a one-time extension of the session. Other than the ordinary Diet, there is a special Diet session held after a general election and an extraordinary Diet session held by cabinet decision or at the request of more than one-quarter of the members of parliament.
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