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2024 July 24 - 30 TOP3 [POLITICS]

Shii at symposium speaks of peacebuilding in East Asia

July 24, 2024

Japanese Communist Party member of the House of Representatives Shii Kazuo participated in a symposium as a panelist on “how to advance ‘peace preparations’ in East Asia today” held on July 24 at Meiji University in Tokyo.

He and other panelists (Muroran Institute of Technology professor, Niigata University of International and Information Studies professor, and Yamaguchi University professor emeritus) discussed ways to ease the rising military tensions and build an “order of peace” in East Asia.

Shii in his remarks pointed out that the Kishida government’s major military expansion policy has become a “dangerous” move in a double sense. He emphasized that the core of the policy is the continued strengthening of the Japan-U.S. military alliance, which has abandoned the “exclusively defensive defense” as seen in the current attempts such as Japan’s possession of enemy base attack capabilities, the massive military buildup, the integration of command and control functions of the Japanese and U.S. forces, and the supposed strengthening of nuclear deterrence capabilities. At the same time, Shii warned, “Kishida’s major military buildup path could pose a global danger by playing a part in the enhancement of military alliances in East and West Eurasia that the United States is promoting in the name of ‘integrated deterrence’.” He said it is important to clarify the dangers of this situation and to persuasively show that there is a peaceful and diplomatic way to resolve the pressing issues.

Shii also pointed out, “When looking at the world at large today, on the one hand, we can see trends toward strengthening military and bloc responses, relying on nuclear deterrence, and aggravating the world’s divisions and conflicts.” He warned, “The strengthening of the military bloc by the United States and the intensification of military rivalry with China and Russia are creating a vicious cycle of military-to-military responses in the world and the region.”

Shii continued, “On the other hand, we also see a trend to emphasize an inclusive framework, to be non-aligned and neutral, and to break with nuclear deterrence through nuclear-free zone treaties.” He stressed, “It is noteworthy that this trend is manifesting itself in the remarkable success of the peace community in Southeast Asia and is developing in Latin America and Africa as well, despite difficulties and twists and turns.” He stated that underlying these phenomena are structural changes taking place in the world, and that the JCP’s “Proposals for Peace Creation in East Asia” published on April 17 resonates with the mainstream of the world.

Past related article:
> Shii publishes JCP diplomatic proposal for peacebuilding in East Asia [April 18, 2024]

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