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2024 July 31 - August 6 [US FORCES]

Inauguration of new USFJ unit will turn Japan into base to support US military logistics and transportation

August 1, 2024
Akahata on July 31 learned that the U.S. Army Japan plans to inaugurate a new transportation unit at its Camp Zama base in Kanagawa Prefecture. This indicates that the U.S. military is stepping up preparations for the use of Japan as a base for military logistics and marine transportation needed to carry out U.S. military operations in the South and East China Seas, Akahata pointed out.

The inauguration of the new unit, the 765th Transportation Battalion, was made public in the U.S. Army Japan Standards Book published in April. The battalion will supervise U.S. Army combat service support units, including a composite watercraft company deployed at Yokohama North Dock.

The head of an anti-base civil group in Zama City, Suganuma Mikio, noted that the composite watercraft company is tasked to transport arms and military equipment and soldiers required to fight anywhere and at anytime. “The inauguration of the transport battalion which commands that watercraft unit will turn Kanagawa Prefecture into a base for combat logistics and transportation. This is unacceptable.”
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