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2024 July 31 - August 6 [JCP]

Shii meets with chair of Rosa Luxemburg Foundation in Tokyo

August 1, 2024
Japanese Communist Party member of the House of Representatives Shii Kazuo on July 31 met with Heinz Bierbaum, executive board chair of the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation (RLF) and former president of the European Left Party, at the JCP head office in Tokyo.

Shii and Bierbaum exchanged views on a wide range of topics, including the Ukraine issue, the Gaza issue, peacebuilding in Asia and the rest of the world, the current state of leftwing parties in Europe, the situation of progressive movements in Japan, and theoretical issues concerning “communism and freedom.”

Positions on the Ukraine issue vary, but Bierbaum suggested that it is possible to take a common position which is to “press one’s own government to focus on diplomacy, not just on weapons” so that “a chance for peace and freedom can come as soon as possible.” He stressed that peace talks should start without delay.

Shii stated that Russia’s invasion of Ukraine is a violation of the UN Charter and is unacceptable, and explained that the JCP is calling for an immediate withdrawal of Russian troops from Ukraine. He said, “Our party is also in favor of a swift start of peace negotiations to end the bloodshed as quickly as possible.”

Shii noted that two things are important in paving the way to realize peace talks. One is to overcome the “double standard,” which criticizes Russia’s invasion of Ukraine on one hand while on the other hand effectively defending Israel’s large-scale attacks on Palestine. He stated that no country should be allowed to commit lawless acts in violation of the UN Charter and international law.

Shii said that another need is to engage in “diplomatic efforts in an inclusive manner,” adding, “A stance to exclude a specific country from talks should not be taken.” He stressed the importance of pursuing diplomatic efforts to cover all parties concerned. Bierbaum said that the participation of all parties concerned is essential to achieve success in peace talks.

Regarding how to promote efforts to build world peace, the two confirmed that under the situation where U.S.-led military alliances have been strengthened in east and west of the Eurasian continent under the U.S. integrated deterrence strategy while China and Russia have been intensifying military tensions, it is necessary to develop a unified movement opposing a move to enhance military alliances in Japan and Europe. As a drastic way to counter such a move, Shii explained the basic points of the JCP “Proposals for Peace Creation in East Asia”. In response, Bierbaum said that as proposed by the JCP, to criticize the theory of military deterrence and confront moves to form blocs in the world are very important. He went on to say that the JCP-proposed concept of the opposition to “bloc” politics and respect for autonomy and diversity has significance in discussing security arrangements in Europe.

Shii mentioned the JCP’s exploration of Marx’s theory and delivered the English-version texts of his lectures focusing on the topics of “communism and freedom” and “free time” to Bierbaum. Shii said, “Aiming to break through unjust attacks on the JCP, we will work hard to make the best use of Marx’s theory which is still rich in content in modern-day Japan.” Bierbaum talked about the significance of theoretical activities regarding the topics suggested by Shii. Stating that people tend to imagine China and the former Soviet Union when thinking of socialism, Bierbaum said that he pays attention to Marx’s theory that a transition to socialism starts at a stage where capitalism and productivity have developed to higher levels. He expressed his hope for further theoretical exchanges with the JCP.
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