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2024 August 28 - September 3 [SDF]

Number of SDF mid-career retirees tops 6,200, the largest ever

August 31, 2024

The number of mid-career retirements of Self-Defense Forces members in FY2023 reached 6,258, the largest number in the past 30 years, according to an interim report the Defense Ministry released on August 30.

The report does not specify the reason for the sharp increase in the number of retirements, but it is thought to be due to the power harassment within the SDF as well as the intensification of SDF missions associated with the government attempt to turn Japan into a “nation capable of fighting wars” abroad.

In 2022, a former female SDF officer made public the extent of sexual violence she suffered in her unit, revealing normalization of sexual harassment in the SDF. Furthermore, when other personnel complained of harassment, their complaints were for the most part thwarted. The SDF’s tendency to cover up harassment scandals was exposed.

In addition, the government attempt to create a “war-fighting Japan” under the “three key national security documents” approved by the Kishida Cabinet in 2022 is increasing the number of duties required of SDF personnel, placing heavier physical and mental burdens on them.

Not only the number of mid-career retirees but also the number of recruits is decreasing.

The report shows that regarding cadets who would become NCOs (non-commissioned officers of sergeant rank) playing a central role in the SDF, the actual recruitment rate was 69% of the recruitment goal. Regarding cadets for rank-and-file personnel, many of whom are young, the actually-hired rate accounted for only 30% of the goal.

The SDF continues to decrease in manpower while its missions drastically increase. Akahata expresses concern that an “economic conscription” system may be put in place as a way to recruit economically-challenged people into the SDF.

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