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HOME  > 2011 February 2 - 8
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2011 February 2 - 8 [JCP]

Shii talks with Iraqi ambassador

February 8, 2011
Japanese Communist Party Chair Shii Kazuo had talks with Lukman Faily, the ambassador of the Republic of Iraq to Japan, at the JCP head office in Tokyo.

Ambassador Faily explained conditions in Iraq, where the construction of a new nation is taking place under the initiative of the new government. He expressed that he wants to exert his efforts to develop bilateral relations between Japan and Iraq as well as to create long-term and friendly relations with the JCP.

Shii stated that he shares the same feeling, expressing his respect for Iraqi people’s ongoing effort to reconstruct their nation amid various difficulties.

The JCP head introduced that his party had severely criticized the 2003 U.S. attack against Iraq as well as the Iraq regime led by Saddam Hussein. He also said that the JCP has called on the international society to respect Iraqi citizens’ right of self-determination.

They also exchanged their opinions on political situations in the Middle East area as well as in Japan.
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