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HOME  > 2010 May 26 - June 1
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2010 May 26 - June 1 [OKINAWA]

SDP shares responsibility in government decision to construct U.S. base in Henoko

May 26, 2010
Prime Minister Hatoyama Yukio announced a government plan to construct a new U.S. base in the Henoko District in Nago City as an alternative to the U.S. Marine Corps Futenma Air Station in Ginowan City in Okinawa. The Democratic Party of Japan, which he heads, clearly violates its 2009 general election promise and betrays Okinawans. Meanwhile, as a DPJ coalition partner, the Social Democratic Party’s stance is called into question.

SDP reverses its position

During the 2009 general election, the SDP called for the closure and return of the Futenma base and promised to oppose the new U.S. base construction in the Henoko district. After the election, however, the SDP discarded the promise when negotiating with the DPJ and the People’s New Party to reach an agreement to form the DPJ-led coalition government.

Moreover, the SDP broke its promise to “oppose the strengthening of the Japan-U.S. military alliance” and agreed with the other two parties on an ambiguous statement that reads: “In order to reduce Okinawan people’s burdens, it is necessary to propose a revision of the Japan-U.S. Status of Forces Agreement and to take a stance on reviewing the U.S. military realignment plan and the presence of the U.S. forces in Japan.” In defiance of Okinawans’ demands, the SDP helped the DPJ force Okinawans to accept a plan to construct a new U.S. base.

SDP cheats on the public

The SDP proposed a plan to move the Futenma base to Guam or Tinian Island. However, an expert in the history of modern Japan criticized the plan as ignoring the right of self-determination of the people of Guam and Tinian Island.

The SDP still calls for transferring the Futenma base outside Okinawa or even outside Japan, but it is attempting to deceive the public by deflecting attention away from its shared responsibility as a DPJ coalition partner.
- Akahata, May 26, 2010
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