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HOME  > 2010 May 26 - June 1
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2010 May 26 - June 1 [OKINAWA]

DPJ, LDP, Komei, and Your parties all agree on shifting U.S. base to Henoko

May 31, 2010
On the NHK Sunday Debate program on May 30, representatives of the Liberal Democratic, Komei, and Your parties all criticized the latest Japan-U.S. agreement on the relocation of the U.S. Futenma base from Okinawa’s Ginowan City to the Henoko district of Nago City in the prefecture. However, they stopped short of responding to citizens’ concerns about how this issue should be resolved.

Only Japanese Communist Party Secretariat Head Ichida Tadayoshi demanded that the Japanese government stop looking for a relocation site and negotiate with the U.S. government for the unconditional return of the Futenma base site.

Oshima Tadamori, Secretary General of the former ruling LDP, said that the bilateral agreement reached by the Democratic Party of Japan-led government “basically returned to the plan promoted by the former LDP-Komei government.” Expressing that the agreement with the U.S. “is significant and must be carried out,” Oshima went on to say, “It is impossible for the government to obtain approval of Okinawans after losing their trust.”

Komei Secretary General Inoue Yoshihisa also said, “Although Okinawan residents had shown some understanding of the former government’s plan, they will hardly do the same for the latest plan.”

Your Party Secretary General Eda Kenji described the LDP-Komei government’s proposal as “very feasible” and stressed, “It is unlikely that the current government can carry out (its plan) while losing Okinawan people’s trust.”

From the ruling bloc, DPJ Vice Secretary General Hosono Goshi stated, “We have to strive to receive Okinawans’ understanding,” expressing his party’s position to promote this.

Shigeno Yasumasa, Secretary General of the Social Democratic Party which has just left the ruling coalition, said, “The SDP has requested the government to consider relocating the Futenma base to Guam, Saipan, and Tinian Island.”
- Akahata, May 31, 2010
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