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HOME  > 2010 May 19 - 25
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2010 May 19 - 25 [POLITICS]

JCP Sasaki criticizes ruling bloc for forcibly steering Diet

May 19, 2010
The three ruling parties on May 18 unilaterally forced deliberations on government bills in the House of Representatives plenary session in complete disregard of the five opposition parties which are calling for intensive debates on the issue of the U.S. Futenma base and for summoning Democratic Party of Japan Secretary General Ozawa Ichiro about his alleged involvement in falsified reports on his political funds.

Japanese Communist Party representative Sasaki Kensho, during the Lower House Steering Committee meeting held prior to the House plenary session, criticized the high-handed steering of parliamentary procedures by the DPJ, the Social Democratic Party, and the People’s New Party.

Sasaki pointed out that the government flip-flop handling of the Futenma base issue and “money-buys-politics” scandals involving the two top DPJ officials, Ozawa and Prime Minister Hatoyama, are behind the dramatic fall in Cabinet approval ratings to around 20 percent.

In order to regain public trust in politics, it is essential for the House to hold intensive debates on the pending issues of the Futenma base and money scandals in the Budget Committee as well as to summon Ozawa to give sworn testimony.

Ozawa said he is ready to give an account of his allegation before the House Deliberative Council on Political Ethics. However, this hearing is held behind closed doors, does not keep minutes, and does not accuse witnesses of giving false testimonies.

Sasaki stated, “With this, Ozawa can avoid facing an accusation of perjury even if he makes false statements. This is far from revealing the truth.”
- Akahata, May 19, 2010
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