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HOME  > 2011 April 27 - May 10
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2011 April 27 - May 10 [LABOR]

Court denounces unreasonable punishment against union teachers

April 27, 2011
The Osaka District Court Sakai Branch ruled on April 26 that a high school had unreasonably taken disciplinary actions against a teacher who had read his union’s organ paper during a work break.

The lawsuit was filed by teachers at Kinki University Sensyu High School, Kawasaki Hatsuji and Sakurai Junya, who are members of the Osaka Private School Teachers and Staff Union.

The school cut Kawasaki’s wage by 25% and suspended him from duty for 8 days for reading the organ paper of his union on a computer during break time. Sakurai’s salary was also reduced on the grounds that he had distributed to his colleagues’ desks, after working hours, a flyer calling for the support of a teacher who is making an effort through the union to have his dismissal revoked.

The court acknowledged that the school abused its power in taking such disciplinary action and ordered it to pay the two teachers their due wages.
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