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HOME  > 2011 May 11 - 17
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2011 May 11 - 17 [JCP]

Kasai meets with Western Saharan representative

May 14, 2011
Kasai Akira, vice chair of the Japanese Communist Party International Commission (House of Representatives), received a visit from Mahamed Beissat, Minister Councelor for Europe of the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic (SADR), at the Dietmembers’ office on May 13.

The SADR was established in 1976 as a government in exile by the Polisario Front in former Spanish Western Sahara, struggling for independence from Morroco.

Recalling the relationship between the JCP and the Polisario Front since 1976, Kasai stated that his party has the supportive stance towards the right to self-determination of the people of Western Sahara.

Beissat explained his diplomatic activities in preparation for independence by establishing an embassy in each country, and expressed his hope for cooperation from Japan.

Beissat also said that he will visit the Tohoku region hit by the March 11 disaster during his stay in Japan, and that the Western Saharan people in refugee camps are sharing sorrow with those who are suffering from the aftermath.

Kasai thanked Beissat for his message of support, and stated that he will continue to support the right to Western Saharan national self-determination.

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