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HOME  > 2011 July 6 - 12
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2011 July 6 - 12 [NUCLEAR CRISIS]

Kyuden president apologizes for manipulating opinion results on TV program

July 7, 2011
Kyushu Electric Power Co. (Kyuden) President Manabe Toshio in a press conference on July 6 admitted to the fact that the company instructed affiliate company employees to send to a cable TV program e-mail messages supporting the restart of its Genkai nuclear power plant, and apologized for its attempt to manipulate public opinion.

According to Akahata in the July 2 scoop, the program was aired live on June 26 and was sponsored by the Ministry of Economy and Industry. In the program, pro-nuclear energy government officials and a college professor answered Saga prefectural people’s questions about the nuclear power plant.

In a House of Representatives Budget Committee meeting on July 6, Japanese Communist Party representative Kasai Akira took up this issue, criticizing Kyuden for attempting to undermine the legitimacy of the program by manipulating the opinions expressed.

Prime Minister Kan Naoto in reply said, “This act is inexcusable.” Economy and Industry Minister Kaieda Banri also said that it is unforgivable, and said that due action should be taken against Kyuden.
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