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2011 August 3 - 16 [ANTI-N-ARMS]

Message of UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon

August 6, 2011
United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon sent a message to the 2011 World Conference against Atomic and Hydrogen Bombs. On behalf of the secretary-general, Sergio de Queiroz Duarte, U.N. High Representative for Disarmament Affairs, read out the message at the international meeting on August 5. The full text follows:

I welcome this opportunity to express my solidarity with the participants in this World Conference against Atomic & Hydrogen Bombs. I share your hope of achieving a world free of nuclear weapons, and thank you for your hard work toward that goal.

Individuals and groups have vital roles to play in generating and sustaining momentum. Together, you are the collective conscience of humanity, and a powerful voice for public accountability in fulfilling official disarmament commitments.

This annual conference, in addition to the many other initiatives that have been launched within civil society, has enabled citizens to participate in the disarmament process. With each signature you obtain on a petition, with each published commentary, with each speech at a public event, with each rally, you have opened new doors for public participation in an evolving historic process to eliminate the world’s deadliest weapon of mass destruction. I am especially grateful for your support of my own efforts and those of the United Nations.

You have brought nuclear disarmament down to earth, and showed how its benefits would flow across all national borders. In doing so, you have performed a great public service not just for your fellow citizens, but also for future generations who will build on your accomplishments.

For these reasons, I wish both to congratulate you for your vision and commitment, and to encourage you to persist in your efforts, for there are many more challenges ahead on this essential road. I am proud to have you all as my partners in working for this great cause. Please accept my best wishes for a successful conference.
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