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HOME  > 2011 August 31 - September 6
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2011 August 31 - September 6 TOP3 [POLITICS]

JCP will confront new Noda government: Ichida

September 3, 2011
Japanese Communist Party Secretariat Head Ichida Tadayoshi at a press conference in the Diet building on September 2 called the new Cabinet, which was launched on the same day, “the business-linked Cabinet”.

Ichida said, “New Prime Minister Noda Yoshihiko visited the Japan Business Federation (Nippon Keidanren)’s headquarters and held talks with the Liberal Democratic and Komei parties’ heads before deciding the Cabinet lineup for the first time as a prime minister.”

Pointing out that Noda has already called on the LDP and Komei to negotiate for an increase in the consumption tax in order to meet the business demands, Ichida stated, “Noda has a scheme to assemble the three parties into a de-facto coalition under his Cabinet.”

Referring to the fact that before selecting ministers, Noda told U.S. President Barak Obama on a phone that Japan is committed to deepening the Japan-U.S. alliance, Ichida said this clearly shows the character of the Noda Cabinet.

“The DPJ and the LDP tried to face off with each other on the surface, but now their assimilation has become visible,” said Ichida.

“It is absolutely clear that only the JCP can counter the maladministration to be pursued by the DPJ, the LDP, and Komei,” and Ichida went on to say, “Our party will fairly and squarely confront the expected three-party regime and map out the direction Japan should proceed.”
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