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HOME  > 2011 August 31 - September 6
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2011 August 31 - September 6 [POLITICS]

Noda announces cabinet lineup for tax hike and TPP

September 3, 2011
Prime Minister Noda Yoshihiko’s Cabinet consisting of the Democratic Party of Japan and the People’s New Party was inaugurated on September 2, telegraphing its intention to effect a consumption tax hike and an entry into the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) agreement.

Economic and Fiscal Policy Minister Furukawa Motohisa has played a key role in the party’s discussion about an increase in the consumption tax at the DPJ’s research commission for drastic revision of social welfare and taxation.

Former National Strategy Minister Genba Koichiro was selected Foreign Minister. He is known as a free-trade advocate and a main player in the issue of Japan’s entry into the TPP.

Noda selected his aide Fujimura Osamu as Chief Cabinet Secretary.

Welfare Minister Komiyama Yoko, Agriculture Minister Kano Michihiko, Post-disaster Reconstruction Minister Hirano Tatsuo, and Minister in charge of handling the ongoing Fukushima crisis Hosono Goshi retained their posts from the previous Kan Cabinet.

Later in the day at a press conference, Noda said that he will prepare to submit a bill to raise the consumption tax rate to the Diet by the end of March 2012.

Regarding the TPP, he said, “I will gather enough information to reach a decision.”
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