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HOME  > 2011 September 7 - 13
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2011 September 7 - 13 [JCP]

Ogata speaks at special ICAPP workshop

September 6&7,2001
A special conference of the International Conference of Asian Political Parties (ICAPP) concluded its 3-day sessions on “Development and People’s Access” in Nanning, China on September 6.

Japanese Communist Party Vice Chair Ogata Yasuo took part in the conference and met with many foreign delegates as well as host nation China’s representatives during the event. Representatives of the Democratic Party of Japan and the Komei Party also attended the conference.

At the opening of the discussion on September 5, Ogata delivered a speech and described that today’s world is moving into an era in which developing nations are having a greater influence on the world economy and politics while industrialized capitalist nations are undergoing a decline in their influence.

In regard to capitalism and socialism, Ogata pointed out that the existing capitalist system will face a test on its viability within this century in the steps it takes to tackle such challenges as global warming, global economic crises, and widening gaps between the poor and the rich.

As for countries aiming for socialism, Ogata said that they are still in the process of developing and not at the stage where the JCP can regard them as socialist economies although their weight and position in the arenas of world politics and economy have become greater than before.

The point is, Ogata said, that all nations should put top priority on the improvement of people’s living standards, sincerely work towards a world order to disallow any hegemonic moves, and play an active role in the international effort to cope with global warming and the move to abolish nuclear weapons.
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