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HOME  > 2010 April 28 - May 4
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2010 April 28 - May 4 [POLITICS]

DPJ, LDP, three new parties, all call for constitutional revision

April 29, 2010
Members of the Parliamentarian League for a New Constitution held a rally on April 28 to build momentum for constitutional revision by next month, when the law to hold a national referendum, a necessary step to revise the Constitution, will come into force.

Representatives of the Democratic Party of Japan, the People’s New Party, the Liberal Democratic Party, the Komei Party, the Your Party, and the New Renaissance Party addressed the rally. The Sunrise Party of Japan sent a message in support.

Former Prime Minister Nakasone Yasuhiro said in his speech, “The three newly-formed parties all call for constitutional revision in their party platforms. This is a great change.” Mentioning that Diet deliberations on drafts of a new constitution will be unfrozen on May 18, he said that this will pave the way for promoting further activities by the Deliberative Council on the Constitution that is installed in both chambers.

LDP Secretary General Oshima Tadamori declared his intention to submit a draft revision of the Constitution and rouse public opinion. “Prime Minister Hatoyama has a strong desire for constitutional revision. We need to create a political environment to bring the issue to the fore,” said DPJ representative Matsubara Jin.
- Akahata, April 29, 2010

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