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HOME  > 2010 April 14 - 20
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2010 April 14 - 20 [POLITICS]

New parties cannot open the way to a new future

April 15, 2010
Japanese Communist Party Shii Kazuo at an inner-party assembly on April 14 referred to the recent new-party boom that is proclaiming to be a third force in politics.

Shii pointed out that riding on the “neither LDP nor DPJ” mood, new parties have been established one after another but all these parties are not offering a change from old LDP politics.

For example, one party sees ex-Prime Minister Koizumi’s tactic to promote the structural reform policy as insufficient and calls for the rapid acceleration of the policy in complete disregard of its harmful effects of increasing poverty and social gaps.

The other party that has come on the political scene saying “Stand up!” is announcing constitutional revision and an increase in the consumption tax as its main goal.

They are new parties in name only. All of them have emerged only to continue the worn-out LDP policies although the party had received a public verdict of “Out!” in the last general election.

Meanwhile, the Komei Party is also calling itself a “third force” and an “opposition party striving for the realization of its policies.” The party seems to forget about its role as a partner of the LDP without summarizing and regretting what it had done in the past 10 years, said Shii. The Komei Party conducted the anti-opposition force campaign in the first place, saying, “Opposition parties have no experience in power.” The party has become an opposition force now, calling itself an “opposition party that is to strive for the realization of its policies.” Shii stated that the Komei Party is incapable of explaining to the public its own raison d’etre when it claims to be an opposition party.

Shii stated that neither the new parties nor the Komei Party can open the way to a new Japan, and pointed out that they consist of cabinet ministers or instrumental components in the 10 years of LDP-Komei government that destroyed people’s living conditions and peace and who have not reflected on their roles in misgovernment. All of them are intending to escape from the sinking LDP ship only for the purpose of their political survival.
- Akahata, April 15, 2010
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