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HOME  > 2012 January 11 - 17
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2012 January 11 - 17 [JCP]

Shii attends Korean Residents Union New Year reception

January 12, 2012
Japanese Communist Party Chair Shii Kazuo on January 11 participated in a New Year reception in Tokyo hosted by the Korean Residents Union in Japan (Mindan).

Shii in his speech expressed his appreciation for the support that Mindan and South Korea have provided for victims of the 3.11 disaster.

He stated the following three points he wants to work on this year regarding the Japan-South Korea relations: to achieve a comprehensive resolution of nuclear, abduction, and historical issues based on the Japan-DPRK Pyongyang Declaration and the joint statement of the Six-Party Talks and create a peaceful environment in Northeast Asia; to settle the so-called “comfort women” issue and other historical issues in order to create friendship in the future; and to promote suprapartisan cooperation in order to give local suffrage to permanent foreign residents in Japan.

Mindan Central Headquarter President Chung Jin said that Mindan’s efforts to provide support for 3.11 victims has contributed to the strengthening of ties between its members and the communities they live in. He expressed his hope for foreigners with permanent residency status in Japan to obtain local suffrage.

Citing North Korea’s situation, Chung stated that the Japan-South Korea relationship is particularly important for promoting the stabilization and development of Northeast Asia.
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