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HOME  > 2010 April 7 - 13
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2010 April 7 - 13 [US FORCES]

Marines hold flight exercise over residential area in Henoko

April 10, 2010
Residents in Okinawa’s Henoko district have witnessed a U.S. military helicopter circling over residential areas with five marines hanging outside the helicopter by a rope.

They saw on April 6 and 7 a CH-46 helicopter with hanging soldiers flying overhead and causing a great roar over their houses and schools. The helicopter is stationed at U.S. Camp Schwab in Henoko.

Ashitomi Hiroshi, head of the Nago Council against the Construction of the U.S. On-Sea Heliport, saw this flight exercise while taking part in a sit-in at the beach of Henoko against the U.S. base construction. “It is dangerous to hold such flight exercises over residential areas,” he said. He warned that the relocation of the U.S. Futenma Base within Okinawa must be blocked since it will put Okinawans into an even more dangerous situation.
- Akahata, April 10, 2010
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