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HOME  > 2009 April 15 - 21
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2009 April 15 - 21 [POLITICS]

Chiba voters form group to reveal new governor’s allegation

April 21, 2009
Residents of Chiba Prefecture have formed an association to pursue the allegation that their new governor Morita Kensaku violated the Public Offices Election Law and the Political Funds Control Law.

The association was established by labor unions, democratic organizations, the Japanese Communist Party, and individuals including college professors and monks.

At the April 20 press conference in the prefectural government building, members of the association announced that they will strive to uncover Morita’s allegations, including one that he ran for the election as a “non-party” candidate while remaining as the head of a ruling Liberal Democratic Party branch.

The LDP branch had allegedly received donations from a foreign-owned company in violation of the then Political Funds Control Law. It failed to report some of the funds that had been funneled to Morita’s fund management organization.

The group criticized Morita, who won the gubernatorial election on March 29, for “undermining public confidence in politics and shaking the foundation of democracy.”

The association on the same day requested political parties in the prefectural assembly to set up an investigation committee.

Chiba is located east of Tokyo and has a population of about six million, the sixth largest among all 47 prefectures.
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