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HOME  > 2012 March 14 - 20
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2012 March 14 - 20 TOP3 [NUCLEAR CRISIS]

Workers at Fukushima nuclear plant do not receive hazardous duty pay

March 14, 2012
Hazardous duty pay has not been provided to workers at the bottom of the multi-layered subcontract system while they are battling to end the nuclear crisis at TEPCO’s Fukushima plant.

A Japanese Communist Party representative on March 12 took up this issue at Fukushima’s Iwaki City Assembly session, and TEPCO officials in response promised that it will make sure that all workers at the plant receive hazardous duty allowances.

Up until now, TEPCO has left hazardous duty payments up to its contractors as an issue concerning their job contracts with laborers.

However, many on-site workers have protested the fact that they do not receive such allowances because the companies they are hired by are exploiting them by raking off the money to increase profits.

JCP member of the Iwaki City Assembly Watanabe Hiroyuki said, “Our efforts have brought about TEPCO’s latest promise.”

He added, “It is significant that TEPCO has officially promised to make sure that the hazardous duty allowance is paid to all laborers.”
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