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HOME  > 2009 February 18 - 24
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2009 February 18 - 24 [JCP]

JCP Chair Shii meets with Communist Party of China International Department head Wang

February 24, 2009
Japanese Communist Party Chair Shii Kazuo on February 23 met with Wang Jiarui, head of the Communist Party of China Central Committee International Department, who visited Japan to take part in a meeting with Japan’s governing parties.

In explaining China’s responses to the present financial crisis, Wang said that the Chinese government policy is one of defending the public interests above anything else and putting emphasis on achieving social equalities. These efforts will have effects in the second half of this year, he added.

Shii said that it stands to reason that China is responding to the financial crisis by adopting a policy of increasing domestic demand and by calling for the international economic system, which has been dominated by the developed countries, to more carefully take in the concerns of emerging countries and developing countries. The increasingly serious issue of employment represents the most brutal aspect of “capitalism without rules” in Japan. More and more people are beginning to question capitalism itself, he said.

On the recent China-Japan relations, Wang stated that further developing friendly the bilateral relations will contribute to advancing the interests of both the Chinese and Japanese peoples. China is placing emphasis on the effort to achieve stable development of bilateral relations, he added.

Shii stated that it is important to increase exchanges and cooperation between the JCP and the CPC based on the agreement confirmed in May 2008 in Tokyo with Communist Party of China General Secretary Hu Jintao: (1) Contribution to the further development of relations between the two countries by opposing the distortion of history; (2) cooperation in the cause of peace in Asia and the rest of the world; and (3) cooperation between the JCP and the CPC, which are working under very different conditions, for the cause of socialism/communism.

Wang replied that he completely agrees with what Shii stated.
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