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HOME  > 2012 May 9 - 15
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2012 May 9 - 15 [NUCLEAR CRISIS]

Mayors’ group calls for non-nuclear energy plan

May 15, 2012
A group of local government heads on May 14 visited the Economy Ministry, demanding that the national government give up its plan to resume the operation of nuclear reactors at the Oi nuclear power plant and incorporate a non-nuclear energy policy in its new energy program.

They are members of the conference of local government leaders calling for an end to nuclear power generation. Inaugurated at the end of April, the conference consists of 70 present and former leaders of 35 prefectures.

Mikami Hajime, Kosai City mayor in Shizuoka Prefecture, said, “It is outrageous to restart the Oi nuclear reactors based on the judgment made by governmental bodies that have completely lost the public trust.” Citing an opinion poll that shows about 80% want to stop nuclear energy generation, he added, “The discussion is now centered on how we can create a society free of nuclear power generation.”

As to the government’s attempt to resume the operation of nuclear reactors, Tokai Village mayor in Ibaraki Prefecture Murakami Tatsuya said, “Whether electrical power will be in short supply or not is insignificant. The government should embark on a path toward achieving a Japan without NPPs.”

Replying to them, a senior vice-minister persisted in arguing that reactivating the Oi nuclear reactors is needed on the pretext that power supply will be short in the coming summer, but admitted that the development of renewable energy is important.

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