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HOME  > 2008 December 23 - 2009 January 6
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2008 December 23 - 2009 January 6 [POLITICS]

Shii stresses two basic stances the JCP maintained in Diet session

December 25, 2008
In reviewing the JCP’s struggle in the Extraordinary Session of the Diet that was to end the next day, Japanese Communist Party Chair Shii Kazuo said, “The JCP has received increasing public trust and achieved important results by holding fast to two basic stances.”

He made the statement at the JCP Dietmembers’ Group general meeting on December 24.

He said that the JCP has done its utmost in solidarity with public struggles to protect the people’s well-being from the economic downturn, which was triggered by the U.S. financial meltdown, and to restore Japan’s economy.

He particularly underlined the party’s pioneering role in dealing with the issue of employment basing itself on its firm policy of calling for humane rules of employment to be established and confronting large corporations’ arbitrary acts.

Shii also said that the party has been persistent in using Diet discussions as well as struggles outside the Diet to press the Aso Cabinet and the ruling coalition of the Liberal Democratic and Komei parties to dissolve the House of Representatives for a general election.

Shii said that this policy is in sharp contrast with the Aso Cabinet, the ruling parties, and the Democratic Party of Japan, which have consistently decided on their responses within the framework of party politics in disregard of the true public interests.

He stressed that the JCP can fulfill its role as the political party striving to achieve its program calling for putting an end to the government policy dedicated to the U.S. government and major corporations, which is the major source of undemocratic policies, and added, “We will continue to maintain these two stances in the upcoming Ordinary Session of the Diet.”
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