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HOME  > 2012 September 26 - October 2
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2012 September 26 - October 2 [POLITICS]

PM Noda reshuffles cabinet to implement consumption tax hike

October 2, 2012
Prime Minister Noda Yoshihiko gave important posts to promoters of the consumption tax hike in his new cabinet reshuffled on October 1, while a censure motion against him adopted by the Upper House in August reflected the strong public opposition to the tax hike plan.

The consumption tax hike advocates are Democratic Party of Japan senior officials Maehara Seiji (Minister for National Policy), Jojima Koriki (Finance Minister), and Okada Katsuya (Vice Prime Minister).

Foreign Minister Genba Koichiro and Defense Minister Morimoto Satoshi, who are pushing ahead with the deployment of the U.S. aircraft MV-22 Osprey to Okinawa, kept on their posts.

Remaining as the Economy Minister was Edano Yukio, who was involved in the reactivation of offline nuclear power reactors and postponing the cabinet approval of the “zero” nuclear policy.

The following is the gist of an Akahata editorial of October 2: The new cabinet lineup has no stance to sincerely respond to public opinion regarding the consumption tax increase or the forcible deployment of Osprey.

The Noda Cabinet is at the edge of a cliff as it faces strong public criticism over its policies and in the face of DPJ lawmakers leaving the party one after another.

The out-of-touch with reality policies the Noda Cabinet is promoting with the support of the Liberal Democratic and Komei parties cannot bring a bright future to Japan. It is urgently needed to further strengthen the popular movement to demand an early dissolution of the Lower House and call for a general election.
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