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2012 October 3 - 9 [POLITICS]

Facing slumping approval rate, Ishin-no-Kai looks to Your Party

October 6, 2012
“Nippon Ishin-no-kai” (Japan Restoration Party), whose approval rating has slumped since its inauguration in September, has begun seeking cooperation with the Your Party.

Osaka City Mayor Hashimoto Toru, the representative of the JRP, said on October 4, “We should merge with the Your Party and form a new group to give voters a new choice.”

According to a recent opinion poll conducted in the metropolitan area, support for the JRP has fallen by half to 4.8% in the week since the announcement of the party founding.

The JRP and Your Party have so far fought for the leadership as the “third pole” in place of the ruling Democratic Party of Japan and the largest opposition Liberal Democratic Party.

However, seeing the plunging support rating of the JRP, leader Hashimoto showed his will to open negotiations with the Your Party for collaboration. He said, “Basically, we share the same policies, values and ideals with our counterpart.”

Your Party head Watanabe Yoshimi said on October 5, “If the 2 parties have the same political views, we should consider how we can create a synergistic effect.”

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