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HOME  > 2008 August 27 - September 2
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2008 August 27 - September 2 [LABOR]

Local government employees union holds its regular convention

August 28, 2008
The Japan Federation of Prefectural and Municipal Workers' Union (Jichiroren) held its 30th Regular Convention from August 25 to 27 in Nagasaki City under the slogan “Let us further develop solidarity, change the ‘structural reform policy’, and let the Constitution guide everyday lives as well as local communities and local governments.”

Jichiroren is affiliated with the National Confederation of Trade Unions (Zenroren) and has a membership of 220,000.

The convention decided to observe its 20th anniversary next year by organizing 100,000 non-full-time workers in prefectural and local governments.

The convention adopted an action plan that includes a campaign in which every union member collects 10 signatures in defense of the war-renouncing Article 9 of the Japanese Constitution, the struggle to stop a large tax increase and cutbacks in social services, and the effort to improve the working conditions of part-time and other contingent workers through winning wage hikes and achieving equal treatment.

Jichiroren Chair Daikoku Sakuji in the opening speech called on delegates to wage the struggle to end the crisis of living conditions in solidarity with the general public. “People of all strata, including workers, farmers, fishermen, and the elderly, are rising in action to end hardships which are exacerbating as the government of the Liberal Democratic and Komei parties have reached an impasse,” he said.

In the convention, delegates spoke about their struggles and movements to protect the local medical services and public childcare systems, using the Japanese Constitution as a guide, and winning equal treatment for non-full-time workers.

A delegate of the Kitakyushu City Workers’ Union spoke about the struggle to overturn the local government’s harsh livelihood protection policy which caused a tragic death from starving.

Japanese Communist Party member of the House of Councilor Nihi Souhei and Nagasaki City Mayor Taue Tomihisa gave solidarity speeches.

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