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2008 July 9 - 15 [JCP]

JCP Central Committee calls for a leap in preparation for next general election and party congress

July 13, 2008
The Japanese Communist Party Central Committee Secretariat on July 12 issued the following communiqué on the JCP Central Committee’s 6th Plenum:

1. The Japanese Communist Party Central Committee held its 6th Plenum on July 11 and 12 at the JCP head office. Central Committee members, alternate CC members, three prefectural committee chairs and acting chairs who are not either CC members or alternate members, took part in the plenum.

2. On behalf of the Executive Committee, JCP Chair Shii Kazuo gave the report to the Plenum. First, he pointed out that the ten months since the JCP 5th plenum has seen dramatic political developments, which corroborates the JCP Program, and stressed that the change has been made possible by the party’s all-out offensive. He elucidated the developments in the political situation and the significance of the JCP Program, in relation to a wide range of issues, including people’s living conditions, the question of war and peace, and the continued viability of capitalism.

Secondly, the report proposed holding the next JCP Congress in January next year and called for efforts to devote the remaining six months of this year to activities to ensure a JCP victory in the next House of Representatives election and to completing the tasks set by the JCP 24th Congress. As to the general election, the report stressed that the issue in the next general election should not be a choice of a government party but a change of government policies themselves, and that only by increasing public support for the JCP can the substance of policies be changed in the interest of the people. The report explained in detail how the united efforts proposed by the 5th Plenum have developed, and proposed a way to increase party activities. Given the fact that the effort to increase the party membership and Akahata readership falls behind the needs, the report pointed out that a mere extension of conventional effort would not guarantee victory in a general election. It gave specific goals to be achieved by the end of the year concerning recruitment of new party members and increasing the readership of the daily Akahata and the Akahata Sunday edition.

Thirdly, the report detailed the task of strengthening JCP efforts among younger people, particularly about the need to strengthen the party’s support for the Democratic Youth League of Japan (DYLJ). Referring to “younger people,” who “are doubly suffering,” the report called for an all-out effort to help the DYLJ, specifically JCP district committees’ effort to help reestablish corresponding DYLJ district committees.

3. Forty-five participants commented on the Executive Committee report.

4. Regarding an Executive Committee proposal, the Plenum unanimously approved the request from Kagiura Toshifumi for his resignation due to health. According to Article 23 of the JCP Constitution, the request for resignation will be referred to the next JCP Congress for approval.

5. Presidium Chair Shii Kazuo gave the concluding remarks after the discussion. Shii summarized the characteristic features of the two-day discussion, and made special points to note on questions proposed by the Executive Committee. On party building, Shii stated that a great leap is needed, and that it is necessary to learn from past experiences, to make honest self-analysis, and have in-depth discussions at JCP organizations. The remarks called for taking measures to drive home the 6th Plenum decisions as soon as possible, along with measures to explain the main points of the 5th Plenum decisions, and to promote party members’ study of the JCP Program.

6. The Plenum unanimously adopted the Executive Committee report, and the concluding remarks, and participants renewed their determination to do their utmost to achieve victory in the general election and to fulfill the tasks of the JCP 24th Congress.

7. The Presidium in a meeting held on July 10, the day before the Plenum, replaced Shikasho Seiichiro with Fujita Ken as a Central Organ Paper Editorial Committee member. - Akahata, July 13, 2008
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