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HOME  > 2012 October 31 - November 6
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2012 October 31 - November 6 [GREAT EAST JAPAN DISASTER]

Use reconstruction budget for sufferers: Women’s group

October 31, 2012
The New Japan Women’s Association (Shinfujin) on October 30 petitioned the national government to use the post-3.11 disaster recovery budget for the restoration of the stricken areas.

It has become a contentious issue because a portion of the budget is being diverted into projects unrelated to reconstruction.

Some members of the association from the disaster-damaged prefectures complained to government officials.

A woman from Miyagi Prefecture said, “A mother living in a temporary housing unit asked the local government to move her family to another unit with more space because she is going to have a second child next month. However, officials rejected her request by telling that ‘two little children do not need the space of one adult.’ She is completely at a loss on what to do.”

Another participant from Iwate Prefecture said, “I live in my house damaged by the earthquake and tsunami. The kitchen and bath in my house remain broken because of my low pension income. It is absolutely unforgivable to divert the taxpayers’ money into areas having nothing to do with restoration.”

A mother from Fukushima remarked on the damage caused by the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear accident. “Following the first thyroid examination, my child was told to have a further checkup. However, medical facilities have yet to set the date for the second examination due to the lack of workers. It is extremely worrying for us to keep waiting after our child was diagnosed as ‘abnormal’. The state should provide support for those medical institutions.”

Japanese Communist Party member of the House of Representatives Takahashi Chizuko took part in the petitioning.
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