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HOME  > 2008 June 25 - July 1
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2008 June 25 - July 1 TOP3 [NORTH KOREA]

JCP welcomes North Korea’s declaration of nuclear programs

June 27, 2008
Commenting on North Korea’s declaration, Japanese Communist Party Chair Shii Kazuo said, “The JCP welcomes this move as a step forward toward making the Korean Peninsula free of nuclear weapons, based on the agreement reached in October 2007 at the six-party talks. The JCP strongly hopes that this process will help North Korea abandon its nuclear weapons program.”

North Korea on June 26 turned over the details of its nuclear programs to China, which chairs the six-party talks, in conformity with the agreement at the talks.

U.S. President George W. Bush on the same day notified the U.S. Congress of his intention to remove North Korea from the U.S. list of states sponsoring terrorism, and expressed readiness to lift the Trading with the Enemies Act sanctions against North Korea.

Japanese Communist Party Chair Shii Kazuo on June 26 issued the following statement:

North Korea on June 26 submitted to China, the host of the six-party talks, a declaration of its nuclear programs in accordance with the agreement of the talks. Upon production of the declaration, U.S. President George W. Bush on the same day sent a statement to the Congress “notifying them of our intention to delist them from the state sponsors of terror list."

The JCP welcomes this move as a step forward toward making the Korean Peninsula free of nuclear weapons, based on the agreement reached in October 2007 at the six-party talks.

The JCP strongly hopes that this process will help North Korea abandon its nuclear weapons program.

A reasonable solution to North Korea’s nuclear weapons issue will pave the way for promoting the settlement of the abduction issue, a long pending issue between Japan and North Korea.

The Japanese and North Korean governments are strongly encouraged to make efforts, pursuant to the spirit of the Japan-DPRK Pyongyang Declaration of September 17, 2002, so that the pending issues of nuclear weapons and the abduction issue will see an overall solution.
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