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HOME  > 2008 June 25 - July 1
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2008 June 25 - July 1 [JCP]

JCP Ichida meets with India’s ambassador

June 25, 2008
Japanese Communist Party Secretariat Head Ichida Tadayoshi met with India’s Ambassador to Japan Hemant Krishan Singh on June 24 at the JCP head office.

Singh is the first Indian ambassador to visit the JCP Central Committee.

The two exchanged views on various issues ranging from the Japanese political situation, including the role of the JCP, to global warming.

Singh asked Ichida to explain the recent moves in Japan toward creating a two-party system and the JCP’s position on domestic and international issues.

Ichida said that the creation of a two-party system will help to maintain policies in favor of large corporations.

Opposing the moves toward a two-party system, the JCP, which has national and local assembly members as well as party members at 23,000 JCP branches throughout the country, is carrying out its activities hand in hand with various strata of civic society, he added.

Ichida said that the JCP is insisting on a pacifist foreign policy, based firmly on the United Nations Charter and the Constitution of Japan, and on ending its subservience to the U.S. under the Japan-U.S. Security Treaty.

Recalling India’s historical role in the non-alignment movement, Ichida spoke about the importance of the movement.

As regards the effort to cut greenhouse gas emissions in order to reverse global warming and climate changes, Ichida stated that the developed countries and developing countries have their respective responsibilities to bear.

Ichida suggested that the developing countries are called upon to pursue the path in which their development and environment will be harmonized and sustained as an alternative to the “profit-first” and unsustainable policies pursued by the developed countries.
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