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HOME  > 2008 June 11 - 17
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2008 June 11 - 17 [ANTI-N-ARMS]

Hidankyo calls for government’s political decision to settle Hibakusha lawsuits

June 11, 2008
The Japan Confederation of A- and H-Bomb Sufferers Organizations (Hidankyo) held its 53rd regular meeting in Tokyo on June 10-11.

Participants in the Hidankyo meeting criticized the government’s announcement that it accepts Sendai and Osaka high court rulings acknowledging that all the plaintiffs are Hibakusha who are suffering from diseases caused by A-bomb radiation exposure, but that it will continue to fight in 4 high courts and 15 district courts.

The discussion focused on the struggle to win state compensation for damages from the atomic bombings by demanding that the government further revise the standards for certification of Hibakusha suffering from diseases caused by A-bomb radiation exposure and agree on a complete settlement of the lawsuits.

Lawyer Miyahara Tetsuro gave the special report on the achievement of Hibakusha’s legal struggle. Stressing that using two high court rulings is the way to win the government certification of all the 305 plaintiffs in the lawsuits, he said, “We need to make another effort to have Prime Minister Fukuda Yasuo make a political decision on this issue.”

Nihon Hidankyo Secretary General Tanaka Terumi reported to the meeting that the struggle demanding that the government certify all applying for certification as patients with A-bomb related diseases has been developed by strengthening the unity of Hibakusha to wield influence on public awareness, judicial decisions, and government measures. More than 700,000 people have signed the urgent petition demanding a drastic revision to the certification system for Hibakusha suffering from A-bomb related diseases. - Akahata, June 11, 2008
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