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2012 November 14 - 20 [POLITICS]

JA-Zenchu president expresses support for anti-TPP Lower House candidates

November 16, 2012
A head of Japan’s largest farmers’ cooperative declared on November 15 that the organization will support candidates and political parties opposing the government’s plan to enter negotiations for the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) free-trade pact in the upcoming general election.

As Prime Minister Noda Yoshihiko is about to announce Japan’s entry in the TPP talks at the East Asia Summit to be held on November 18 in Cambodia, the Central Union of Japan Agricultural Co-operatives (JA-Zenchu) in the urgent rally adopted a resolution to stop Japan’s participation.

The resolution states that they will check the position of each candidate and political party regarding the TPP in the upcoming Lower House general election and will work hard to block Japan from joining the TPP negotiations.

JA-Zenchu President Banzai Akira in his speech said that it is outrageous that the government, with only a 20% public approval rating, intends to make a decision affecting Japan’s future course. He went on to say, “In order to continue farming with hope for the future, JA-Zenchu will give endorsement to candidates and political parties objecting to joining the TPP.” The president called on participants to make further efforts to increase the number of seats representing farmers’ demands in the Diet in the general election slated for December 16.

Along with other political parties’ representatives, Japanese Communist Party Chair Shii Kazuo delivered a speech in solidarity. He cited the fact that more than 90% of local assemblies nationwide have adopted anti-TPP resolutions.

Citing Noda’s attempt to make the TPP one of the key issues in the forthcoming election, the JCP chair said that in its election campaign, the JCP will inform the public of the expected harmful impact on agriculture, the economy, and people’s lives with Japan’s entry in the TPP.

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On the same day, Liberal Democratic Party President Abe Shinzo in a meeting with the Japan Chamber of Commerce and Industry indicated that if the LDP returns to power, it will promote Japan’s participation in the free-trade pact.

Related past article:
> Over 90% prefectural assemblies adopt anti-TPP resolutions [November 7,2012]
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