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2012 November 14 - 20 [POLITICS]

Let’s change 60-year-old LDP style policies: Shii

November 17, 2012
In the general election campaign, the Japanese Communist Party is calling for changing the Liberal Democratic Party model of politics lasting 60 years.

JCP Chair Shii Kazuo told reporters on November 16 in the Diet as follows:

We will push forward our party as one that has a forward-looking platform as well as a history of nearly one-century.

A variety of people’s sufferings originate in Japan’s misgovernment influenced to a large degree by the U.S. government and Japanese business circles. It is only the JCP among Japan’s political parties that has a platform to overcome the “two evils”.

The JCP has the 90-year-old history. We have raised the banner of “antiwar and peace”, “independence” and “people should play a key role in politics”, fighting against the LDP-type policies. We want voters to understand that the JCP is the only trustworthy party which has withstood a lot of severe trials for such a long time.

The Democratic Party of Japan has completely betrayed the people’s wishes to implement a change in political direction after taking power three years ago.

Why did the DPJ administration fail? It was because it was also tied to the LDP style policies, and had neither the intention nor the power to break away from them. Japan is now facing a crisis as those policies have been unable to deal with various problems not only in the national economy but in the area of international diplomacy.

The LDP-type government came into existence 60 years ago. Japanese politics have been giving top priority to U.S. interests and the interests of Japanese corporations and financial circles since the Japan-U.S. Security Treaty took effect in 1952. However, working for those interests is no longer tenable.

The JCP is calling on the general public to put an end to such old-fashioned policies and support the JCP in the upcoming general election so that a radical reform can be carried out.
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