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HOME  > 2010 January 27 - February 2
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2010 January 27 - February 2 [US FORCES]

Activists criticize fall of U.S. warplane part on house

February 2, 2010
Members of the Japanese Communist Party and peace organizations in Kanagawa Prefecture visited the U.S. Naval Atsugi Base on February 1 and demanded that it suspend flight activities until investigation into its warplane’s dropping of a part is completed and all the findings are released to the public.

On January 28, a carrier-borne plane dropped a metal part on a private house in Kanagawa’s Ayase City. A carpenter was working about 50 to 70cm from where the part fell.

The activists criticized the base commander for immediately resuming flight drills while the local government called for their suspension until the cause of the accident is determined.

A public relations manager of the Atsugi Base said, “War cannot be fought if safety management takes many hours. We are military.” The cause of the accident is being investigated, he added.

Prefectural and city assembly members of the JCP as well as representatives of the prefectural peace committee and council against A & H Bombs participated in the representations.
- Akahata, February 2, 2010
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