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HOME  > 2008 April 30 - May 13
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2008 April 30 - May 13 [LABOR]

May Day rallies take place at 357 locations across Japan

May 2, 2008
On May 1, Japanese workers, mainly with unions affiliated with the National Confederation of Trade Unions (Zenroren), held May Day celebrations at 357 locations throughout the country.

In Tokyo, about 44,000 workers and citizens took part in the main May Day rally at Yoyogi Park carrying placards and banners calling for the eradication of poverty and economic inequalities, opposition to constitutional revision, tax increase, and adverse medical reform.

Participants marched in demonstration through Tokyo’s three main areas carrying various creative signs and banners, including one that expressed anger at the passage of the bill to impose higher gasoline and other road related taxes. They also shouted, “Do away with social disparities! Stop the revision of the Japanese Constitution! End the harsh measures against the elderly!”

Speaking on behalf of the organizing committee, Zenroren President Ban’nai Mitsuo called on the participants to make every effort to expand solidarity to end war and poverty all over the world.

Japanese Communist Party Chair Shii Kazuo in his speech emphasized, “Japanese politics is at a historical turning point that offers the people an opportunity to establish a new government that replaces Liberal Democratic Party government policies which are now clearly at an impasse.”

Shii called for heightening public awareness and increasing the movement to influence government policies. - Akahata, May 2, 2008
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