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HOME  > 2008 March 26 - April 1
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2008 March 26 - April 1 [SDF]

Create peaceful ocean for safe fishing: JCP Shii

March 30, 2008
At a Japanese Communist Party speech assembly in a fishing town in Chiba Prefecture, the head of the local fisheries cooperative thanked the JCP for speaking out in behalf of fishers following the collision of a Self-Defense Forces Aegis-equipped destroyer with a fishing boat in February.

Geki Eitaro, the head of the Shin-Katsuura Fishermen’s Cooperative, said, “I would like you to know how thankful we are for Chair Shii and other JCP officials who came over to visit us right after the collision.”

Shii was the first JCP chair to speak at a public meeting in Isumi City, which is next to Katsuura City, home to the tuna trawler “Seitoku Maru” that was hit and destroyed by the SDF warship.

The speech assembly was attended by 600 people, including local officials and conservative members of the local assemblies of the city and neighboring municipalities.

In his speech, Shii referred to the recent collision of a Self-Defense Forces Aegis-equipped destroyer with a fishing boat and said, “We will strive to make the sea peaceful and ensure that fishers can fish without having to worry about accidents with military vessels.”

“It is totally unacceptable for an SDF ship, which is supposed to protect the lives of Japanese citizens, to break the rules governing open-sea navigation,” Shii said.

Pointing out that the Katsuura City Assembly has adopted a resolution calling for the collision to be fully investigated and measures to be taken to prevent the recurrence of a similar accident, Shii said, “The JCP will make efforts to realize the demand.”
- Akahata, March 30, 2008
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