2008 March 26 - April 1 [
Brazilian wife sues for compensation for husband’s work-related death
The bereaved family of a Brazilian temporary worker, who died while at work, filed a lawsuit with the Shizuoka District Court on March 31, demanding 68.4 million yen in compensation for his work-related death at a factory in Hamamatsu City, Shizuoka Prefecture.
Jose Renato Fujisawa, 38, died on February 22, 2007, after his head was squashed between robot arms functioning erratically during a welding operation at Kamitsu Seisakusho Ltd., a winder maker. He had been dispatched there from a staffing agency.
At a news conference the worker’s wife, Rosangela Aparecida Sato Fujisawa, said, “I don’t want any more losses of life like my husband.”
Her lawyer pointed out that Kamitsu Seisakusho must be held responsible for the accident, stating, “The maker actually directed and supervised the worker but neglected to fulfill its obligation to provide security, so it is responsible for causing his death.”
A National Confederation of Trade Union (Zenroren)-affiliated local union and an All-Japan Metal and Information Machinery Workers' Union (JMIU)-affiliated local branch say they are supporting her court struggle.
- Akahata, April 1, 2008